

Implementing WFH at the organisational level has imposed many challenges. But with Rewizi, WFH is easy! Here’s how and why.

Rewizi offers the best WFH bundle to make your WFH experience comfortable and efficient. If there is anything you need for WFH, we have it! Visit our website to know more. Send us your queries, and we’ll be happy to reply. What’s more, when you place the order for your WFH bundle, we’ll have it delivered to your doorstep.

At Rewizi, you can get the perfect solution for WFH, be it devices, software, or furniture!

Significant Challenges Imposed by WFH

Data security

Data security is one of the primary challenges that most organisations face. Banking services, in particular, are the most concerned about data security. Homes are risky places to work as the computers, and the internet is not secured professionally like in offices. The risk of cyber threats looms large and can cause irreparable harm to your company if appropriate steps are not taken. Thus, data security is a prime challenge that needs to be addressed first.

Client Interaction

People like to meet face to face before doing business as the finance industry deals with money and is based mostly on trust. Of course, there are traditional ways to talk to the client, but many financial services need a direct interface through video calls. Though technology allows you to connect face-to-face with your clients and other team members for business purposes, many employees find it difficult to use technology. Organisations might have to fulfil each requirement for video conferencing, such as providing a webcam, their respective drivers, and the appropriate video conferencing software to see who they are dealing with.

Technology Infrastructure

Occasional remote work is different from allowing employees to work from home exclusively. The work-from-home model demands considerable infrastructure on a large scale. Companies are required to invest more resources to enable WFH for the entire workforce. It was the biggest challenge that organisations have faced.

Significant Challenges Imposed by WFH

Rewizi can meet all your needs related to a corporate WFH setup:


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Rewizi offers Microsoft and Zoom-certified software for seamless virtual presence

Installation Assistance

Rewizi also provides installation assistance to reduce hassles.


Health issues due to incorrect posture are a concern while working from home. To prevent them, you can get ergonomically-designed branded tables and chairs from Rewizi to make WFH comfortable. We offer ergonomic chairs and tables of two types: fixed height and adjustable height. You can also get a desk lamp to improve the lighting on your desk.

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